Kelowna Dentist Explains: Dental Implants Offer Lasting Dentition

Dental implant therapy has revitalized the options for replacing missing or damaged teeth within dentistry. Based on the process of osseointegration; dental implants are surgically inserted into your jawbone and fuse with your natural oral tissues. The implant acts as the stabilizing root structure similar…

Dentist Kelowna | Dr. Sandy Crocker, Dr. Peter Mitchell | Dentists Kelowna | Dr. Sandy Crocker, Dr. Peter Mitchell & Associates

Dental implant therapy has revitalized the options for replacing missing or damaged teeth within dentistry. Based on the process of osseointegration; dental implants are surgically inserted into your jawbone and fuse with your natural oral tissues. The implant acts as the stabilizing root structure similar to a healthy tooth; offering the closest chewing capacity to what you previously had compared to other tooth replacement options on the market. Dr. Sandy Crocker, Dr. Peter Mitchell and Associates are centrally located on Springfield Road in Kelowna. Enjoy our convenient family dentistry location and undergo your dental implants at our clinic.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants offer a strong and natural looking solution for your smile. Enjoy your favourite foods including corn on the cob and BBQ steak! Secure your smile by booking a dental consultation today. Since the implant attaches to your natural jawbone over time, you will never have to worry about removing your false teeth or missing out on your favourite snacks. Traditional dentures eventually wear away healthy jawbone tissue, leading to a sunken and diminished profile. Dental implants help individuals maintain their jawbone integrity; a key factor in the health and well-being of your smile. Additional benefits of dental implants include:

  • Take care of dental implants with normal brushing; flossing and swishing…never remove anything at night!
  • Smile, laugh, chew and talk with confidence and ease without worrying about losing your teeth!
  • Cavity free; however, you will still need to maintain regular dental checkups.
  • Protect your facial bone structure, palate and profile.


Save Surrounding Teeth

Many clients choose to have a dental implant bridge replace their traditional dental bridge. Since the implants are surgically secured into your jaw, there is no need to use healthy neighbouring teeth as an anchor. Traditional bridges commonly wear away healthy neighbour teeth over time. Dental implant bridges avoid damage to surrounding teeth.

Dr. Sandy Crocker, Peter Mitchell & Associates: Office Implants

Many regular dentists need to refer clients to an oral surgeon to have their dental implants placed elsewhere. Enjoy the convenience of having your surgery completed in our dental clinic on Springfield Road in Kelowna.

Dental Implants: What to Expect

At your initial consultation, we will determine with X-Rays and a thorough comprehensive oral exam whether you are a candidate for dental implants. Some clients need to build up their jawbone further with bone grafting procedures prior to undergoing implant therapy. The first part of the surgery will entail placing a dental implant into your jawbone under the gum tissue. Your gums are then sutured closed for healing to occur. After osseointegration is complete, there will be a solid bond with your bone and gums. This step can take a few months for complete healing to occur.

Dental Implants: Second Stage

After tissue is completely healed, Dr. Sandy Crocker will attach an abutment or post to the dental implant. This is the portion of that will connect the replacement tooth. For some clients, the first and second phase many be completed simultaneously. We will be happy to give you a more specific timeline of expectations during your dental consultation. Your artificial tooth will be made to match your existing teeth and no one will be able to identify which tooth was replaced once finished.

See If You are a Candidate for Dental Implants Today!

We look forward to discussing the intricacies of your dental wishes with you at your next appointment. Book your oral consultation today to see if dental implant therapy is the best option for your smile. We look forward to answering any questions or concerns you may have.

Contact us to book your dental implant consultation

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